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This article is also available in Japanese:日本語でも読めます While countries such as Indonesia or Kenya have been able to harness geothermal energy by taking advantage of their unique geological characteristics and implementing support... ティボ・マレドショニBlack Soldier Fly Larvae’s potential to upcycle bio waste into sustainable animal feed
This article is also available in Japanese:日本語でも読めます A sustainable method of producing animal feed that is gaining popularity around the world is upcycling organic waste with Black Soldier Fly larvae (BSFL). The black soldier f... ティボ・マレドショニBiochar, a scalable carbon sequestration tech?
This article is also available in Japanese:日本語でも読めます The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) has been recommending reducing greenhouse gas emissions (esp. CO2) to zero by 2050. Of course, the priority is to drastic... ティボ・マレドショニGreen hydrogen or SAF: how to decarbonize air travel?
This article is also available in Japanese:日本語でも読めます https://insight.eisnetwork.co/20230607-hydrogen-saf/ The aviation industry recognizes the urgency to address climate change Air transport currently accounts for ~ 2.5% ... ティボ・マレドショニIs the electric mobility boom in Kenya sustainable?
This article is also available in Japanese:日本語でも読めます The electric mobility market has recently been booming in Kenya. With an unstructured and almost nonexistent public transportation system, a strong portion of passenger trans... ティボ・マレドショニGreen H2, a new world order
This article is also available in Japanese:日本語でも読めます The planet is on a path to curb its carbon emissions to limit the climate change impact following various agreements (Kyoto, Paris, etc). While a lot of emphases has been put... ティボ・マレドショニA New Type of Food Festival: Family Style Food Fest
This article is also available in Japanese:日本語でも読めます The Family Style Food Festival recently took place in West Hollywood of Los Angeles, California with its most successful iteration yet. This festival began in 2019 and has si... クリス・ヘドリーIs the Swiping Craze Over? The Rise of Hyper-localized Meet-Ups
This article is also available in Japanese:日本語でも読めます Popular dating apps such as Tinder and Bumble have been around for a decade. The dating apps mainly use a swiping system where you swipe left or right depending on whether or... EIS Insight編集部Are EVs the future of mobility?
This article is also available in Japanese:日本語でも読めます Electric vehicles (EVs) are widely seen as a cornerstone for the future of mobility and in many geographies, the main focus to decarbonize the transport sector. EVs are 5 to ... ティボ・マレドショニSomewhere Between Web2 and Web3 is “Web2.5”
This article is also available in Japanese:日本語でも読めます Although over the past 2 years we have heard so much about web2 vs web3, the majority of consumers aren’t actually familiar with the differences and our current status in bet... クリス・ヘドリーImproving Rural Mobility in Africa
This article is also available in Japanese:日本語でも読めます Rural mobility development has been a long-lasting problem in Africa. Currently, 450 million people with more than 70% of the rural population lack access to mobility which i... ティボ・マレドショニAre carbon credits an opportunity for sustainable development in Africa?
This article is also available in Japanese:日本語でも読めます Carbon credits were created following the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. Under the Kyoto Protocol, developed countries committed to reducing their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Th... ティボ・マレドショニ